Scenkonst Västernorrland

Tävla och vinn biljetter - Compete and win your tickets

(In english below)

Vinn biljetter till höstens dans, film, musik och teater i Sundsvall. 
Vi vill ha dina svar senast 11 oktober klockan 09:00. Vinnarna meddelas personligen.
Psst ... Svaren på frågorna kan du hitta på våra webbar: Norrdans, Musik Västernorrland, Filmfest, Teater Västernorrland

Win tickets to this falls dance, film, music and theatre in Sundsvall. 
We need your submission at october 11 at 9 a.m. at the latest. The winners will be contacted in person.
Psst... The answers to the questions can be found on our websites: Norrdans, Musik Västernorrland, Filmfest, Teater Västernorrland

In wich city was Norrdans founded?
Who wrote the script for Next to normal that Teater Västernorrland are perfoming this fall?
The film Amadeus, that was released in the 1980's, is about one of the most famous composers in the world. Who?
Who is in charge of movie visuals like settings, decor and props?
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