Scenkonst Västernorrland
Information in English
Scenkonst Västernorrland (Performing arts Västernorrland) explore and develop dance, film, music and theater. Our brands are Film Västernorrland, Musik Västernorrland, Nordiska Kammarorkestern, Norrdans and Teater Västernorrland.
Scenkonst Västernorrland AB is a registered limited company owned by Västernorrland county (60%) and Sundsvall municipality (40%). We are financed by our owners and the government by the Swedish Arts Council.
High artistic quality
Our mission is to make sure that people all over Västernorrland can take part in film and performing arts experiences. Our productions aim to maintain a high artistic quality and reflect the diversity of society, which means that we should give a stage to a variety of voices and stories.
We create performances and concerts for small and large venues, co-produce film and collaborate with non-profit organisations and municipalities to reach our audience. Touring frequently is our way of allowing both children, young people and adults to meet our dancers, musicians and actors.
Contribute to society
We ensure that people are familiar with the artistic expressions of dance, film, music and theater and are given the opportunity to practice them in different ways, for example through our extensive workshop activities. We also run community projects where amateurs participate and interact with professional practitioners.
We offer talent development for young people in several county-wide ensembles, film teams and projects. We also support the independent cultural practitioners and scenes, both professionals and amateurs, which is an important part of a rich and comprehensive cultural ecosystem. We contribute to society through the power of art. We know that culture contributes to health and a positive societal development.
If you want to contact us please send an email to info@scenkonstvasternorrland.se